Friday 21 August 2009


This morning I was still frustrated by what had happened last night..
(Come and ask me personally if you're interested.)
Then when I reached classroom,
I saw Rini hold a balloon and scare me.
Due to I was so frustrated at that time,
I almost cry out.
but I controlled myself. LOLS.
Rini, I was not angry with you.
We are good friends right!!? =]
after all the boring boring lessons,
school ended but I got CCA.
I sat with Lanjun <3, Wanni and May in canteen.
Then Johnson called me.
Talked for a while. Some frustrating stuffs about he's going to US.
And then rained.
I talk to him on the phone in the rain.
I love playing with rain.
But in fact I was damn upset that moment.
Then I went for CCA.
Inside dance studio was damn cold bcoz of the air-con.
I was almost freezing because my shirt was wet.
Then he sms-ed me and I told him I was cold.
and I started to join in the dance.
When CCA finished, and got msgs from him.
He said he had been asking his friends to bring me a jacket.
and his friend was waiting outside the school,
Then I thought he must be outside the school but not his friend.
Just did not confirm.
Then I told Lanjun to mark attendence for me and I strode out.
When I was reaching Bus-stop and he appeared from behind.
I was surprised.LOLS. and happy.
Then he accompany me to home and took a look at my room.
Btw, he said he won't go US.
That's all for today.

With love,


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