Monday 24 August 2009


This morning when I stepped into the classroom
I saw HongJim holding a balloon.
Then I was like, wtf O o,
I damn afraid of ballooooons,
Then I think at first he din know I am afraid of balloooons,
Then someone told him,
They started to throw the ballooon all over the class room,
and threw it towards the fan,
I was surprised it din explode,
I jumped from one side to another in the classroom to avoid the bloody balloooon,
Disgraceful man,
Then, When chinese period ended, I walked out of the room to escape,
my classmates all thought I was going to comp lab for English,
but Ms Teh actually din ask us to go there,
and I dunno where to go also,
so, I followed them to the comp lab,
When Guailanjun and me walked pass the staffroom,
(We were singing cheerfully at that moment BUT I was still thinking abt the ballooon)
The two new PE teacher was walking pass us,
Then they looked at us oddly,
(I was thinkin, nvr heard others sing so loud before huh,)
Suddenly, a teacher behind us slammed the pigeon hole(I suppos it spells like tis)door with a loud BANG!!
The sound was like a balloooon explodes!!
Then I go, "ARHHHHH"
After I screamed, I heard the two PE teacher laughing like hell,
Me and Guailanjun was like O o..these teachers, naughty hor.
Then the rest of the day seemed quite peaceful,
at least the balloooon disappeared.

Took a pic wis Guailanjun during recess time,
She used my phone edited it,
BTW, not les oky?


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