Monday 24 August 2009


This morning when I stepped into the classroom
I saw HongJim holding a balloon.
Then I was like, wtf O o,
I damn afraid of ballooooons,
Then I think at first he din know I am afraid of balloooons,
Then someone told him,
They started to throw the ballooon all over the class room,
and threw it towards the fan,
I was surprised it din explode,
I jumped from one side to another in the classroom to avoid the bloody balloooon,
Disgraceful man,
Then, When chinese period ended, I walked out of the room to escape,
my classmates all thought I was going to comp lab for English,
but Ms Teh actually din ask us to go there,
and I dunno where to go also,
so, I followed them to the comp lab,
When Guailanjun and me walked pass the staffroom,
(We were singing cheerfully at that moment BUT I was still thinking abt the ballooon)
The two new PE teacher was walking pass us,
Then they looked at us oddly,
(I was thinkin, nvr heard others sing so loud before huh,)
Suddenly, a teacher behind us slammed the pigeon hole(I suppos it spells like tis)door with a loud BANG!!
The sound was like a balloooon explodes!!
Then I go, "ARHHHHH"
After I screamed, I heard the two PE teacher laughing like hell,
Me and Guailanjun was like O o..these teachers, naughty hor.
Then the rest of the day seemed quite peaceful,
at least the balloooon disappeared.

Took a pic wis Guailanjun during recess time,
She used my phone edited it,
BTW, not les oky?

Saturday 22 August 2009

Boring Weekend

Today I woke up at 10 something then started using comp.
My uncle is like so motherfucking lah.
Become so mean to me since the night.
If not because of my mom then I had alr thrown him down from my window.
useless man.
Maybe he's not even a normal man.
Fuck him sia.

Fine, forget about these unhappy stuffs.
Then had lunch, played piano for a while.
And slept until now.
Hope tmr is a better day.!!

With Love,

Friday 21 August 2009


This morning I was still frustrated by what had happened last night..
(Come and ask me personally if you're interested.)
Then when I reached classroom,
I saw Rini hold a balloon and scare me.
Due to I was so frustrated at that time,
I almost cry out.
but I controlled myself. LOLS.
Rini, I was not angry with you.
We are good friends right!!? =]
after all the boring boring lessons,
school ended but I got CCA.
I sat with Lanjun <3, Wanni and May in canteen.
Then Johnson called me.
Talked for a while. Some frustrating stuffs about he's going to US.
And then rained.
I talk to him on the phone in the rain.
I love playing with rain.
But in fact I was damn upset that moment.
Then I went for CCA.
Inside dance studio was damn cold bcoz of the air-con.
I was almost freezing because my shirt was wet.
Then he sms-ed me and I told him I was cold.
and I started to join in the dance.
When CCA finished, and got msgs from him.
He said he had been asking his friends to bring me a jacket.
and his friend was waiting outside the school,
Then I thought he must be outside the school but not his friend.
Just did not confirm.
Then I told Lanjun to mark attendence for me and I strode out.
When I was reaching Bus-stop and he appeared from behind.
I was surprised.LOLS. and happy.
Then he accompany me to home and took a look at my room.
Btw, he said he won't go US.
That's all for today.

With love,

Thursday 20 August 2009

I've lost the desire of living.

I thought you understand me,
I thought I may tell you everything that about me,
I thought you will not make me upset.
I was wrong, you will never know how disappointed I am right now.
Can you feel the pain I am feeling now?
Can you hear the crush sound of heartbreaking?
I cannot be without him,
I can't.
why did you do this to me?
I know you're concerned.
Can you find a right way to help me with it?
I've let everyone down,
but you let me down.
I am frustrated.
I get enough of this world.
Let me go please.

Tired Tired Tired..!!

Today is a normal schoolday again,
I've been sleepy since I woke up this morning until now...
Kim and Lanjun thought they are artists and drew things on my arm..
Why don't they start a chat on my arm..
That's will be so fun!
and English got A1,
Damn happy.
but someone hor, that Mrs Mr Johnson Liu hor..
kept detering me.. but I don't give a damn you know,
Later still have tuition at 8:30pm.
but I haven't finish my two compos yet..
I'm going to finish them.

With Love,

P.S. Liuwen, come on, you can do it. <3

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Err. Damn it.

Today hor..
Miserable you know..
Don't remember what did I do...
Just know that when I was on bus 3 at around 7:00pm plus with XXX Johnson.
then I met Jerico..
Then I was like O_o??!!

Nothing much actually.
Bored and Sleepy..
Goooooooooooooodnight everybody then.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Guys. No insults!!!

Drawings on 2E1's whiteboard!!

What are they so shy for?
I just wanna take a pic only....

Friday 7 August 2009

I'm dying

I'm now on one week MC..!!
Freaking boring!!
but still better than going to sch,
don't need to wake up so early..
The medicine causes drowsiness,
which means I was sleeping for the past five days,
but my brain starts to stop working alr,
I enjoy sleeping but I still think I need some outdoor activities.
otherwise I'm gonna lost the ability of walking.
stop these boring crap.
I'm gonna sleep again,
cya in my dream!!

With Love,

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